Content Marketing

Writing for Humans First, Bots Second

Humans crave quality content. And, in the digital era, quality can be anything from a laughable meme about your industry to an insightful blog on how clients can balance their budgets more effectively. What we don’t believe to be “quality” are clickbaity, “YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT” nonsense listicles. Some agencies are cool with making the latter, but we invest in the former.

The stuff we make for your brand is thought out, planned out, written out, edited and all prettied up to draw attention online. Real, human attention.

We bring your brand to life with rich content, content that tells stories, content that entertains, converts, inspires, motivates, and attracts your target audience.

Our Organic SEO Methodology

Again, we need to stress: we’re all about writing for humans. We’re NOT jamming content together for search engines. There are only so many times that people can read the same keyword into a piece before it starts smelling like SEO bait. Yes, we’ll keyword optimize the article, but only in a way that still keeps your brand sounding natural.

Keyword stuffing is *so* 2007. Google’s algorithm knows what we know: content that answers a customer’s search query is the most valuable type of content around.

Let's Chat About Your Content Needs

You’ve got an amazing story to tell and the digital marketing pros at On Target can’t wait to help you craft that story and get eyeballs on it.